Header Wärmepumpen

Heat Pumps

Simply use more environmental energy.
No other heating system works more efficiently, more economically and more environmentally friendly.

A Range for all Cases: Heat Pumps from Dimplex

Freely available energy from air, water and ground - for heating, cooling and for unlimited hot water comfort... from small to huge output - simply always efficient.

Energy? Is in the air.

All air/water heat pumps for outdoor and indoor installation

To the air/water heat pumps

Energy from Groundwater

Water/water heat pumps for indoor installation WI – heating, hot water preparation and passive cooling in one.

About the groundwater heat pump WI

Save Energy with Geothermal Energy

Highly efficient: The SI brine/water heat pumps for indoor installation

About the SI geothermal heat pump

Warm water. Just out of the air.

Hot water heat pump - an efficient solution for hot water preparation in new buildings and existing buildings.

To the DHW domestic water heat pumps

Simply Use More Environmental Energy

Dimplex heat pumps are true miracles of efficiency: they get up to 80 percent of the energy they need for heating and hot water preparation from the environment. They only need electricity for the remaining 20 percent - which they use extremely economically. If you run your heat pump with green electricity, your heating is completely CO2-neutral... and if it comes from your own photovoltaic system, you even become completely independent!

Drei Wärmequellen von Wärmepumpen Luft Wasser Sole
Drei Wärmepumpentypen
Kältekreis Wärmepumpen

Advantages & Facts


Installing a highly efficient heat pump makes your property future-proof and permanently increases its value.


Dimplex heat pumps get up to 80% of the energy they need from the environment. This saves heating costs and contributes to the energy transition.


With a heat pump you become independent of oil and gas - with the greatest possible security of supply.


Combined with green electricity or a photovoltaic system, Dimplex heat pumps work completely CO2-free.

Intelligent, efficient and environmentally friendly.

Dimplex heat pumps are SG Ready.

More and more energy is being generated from environmentally friendly, renewable energy sources. On the one hand, this protects the environment, but on the other hand it represents a major challenge for the public power grids: wind power and photovoltaics from private households, commercial buildings or public institutions produce electricity in a decentralized manner. Depending on the weather, they deliver different amounts of energy. This leads to performance peaks in electricity generation.

Smart grid-capable heat pumps can take this surplus electricity, convert it into heating energy and store it in the buffer or domestic hot water storage for later use. Heat pumps protect the environment and their owners' wallets by using electricity especially when it is particularly cheap.