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The Heat Pump for Heating Replacement

System E

Discover a highly efficient air/water heat pump system with climate-friendly refrigerant R290 that is convincingly quiet and optimized for quick heating replacement and operation with radiators.

Find out here why System E is a game-changer for the renovation of old buildings and why renovation with the heat pump is now becoming the new favorite project.

Heat Pump Radiators

System E is developed to achieve pleasant room temperatures in a highly efficient manner using conventional radiators. If that's not enough for you or if you want to save energy with low flow temperatures without retrofitting underfloor heating, you now have an ideal alternative: heat pump radiators can easily replace conventional radiators or radiators and, thanks to small fans with low flow temperatures, achieve high levels of efficiency and very good heat distribution in the room Space. The plus: in addition to energy-efficient heating, the heat pump radiators can also provide silent cooling, provided the heat pump is reversible.

System S

The new air/water heat pump system System S in split design is a simple, stylish and sustainable solution for building air conditioning. The System S is ideal for energy-efficient heating, cooling and hot water heating in new buildings, renovations and replacements. With its future-proof refrigerant and smart operation, the System S heat pump system offers a sustainable and innovative solution for single and two-family homes.

DHW hot water heat pumps

The hot water heat pumps DHW 250P and DHW 301P(+) are an efficient and economical solution for hot water preparation. Quickly installed, they can cover the hot water needs of a single-family home all year round. They obtain the energy required for heating from the ambient air (> 7°C) or the waste heat present in the room air, convert this into water with a temperature of up to 60°C and dehumidify household rooms or basements in the process. They can be ideally combined with another heat generator, such as an oil or gas heater.

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Decentralized Ventilation. DL 50 and DL 40

Regardless of whether in a new or old building, anyone who has demands for modern living has to deal with the issue of ventilation.

This also includes how to achieve a good indoor climate with the lowest possible energy costs. Thanks to their easy installation and compact design, Dimplex's decentralized ventilation units are often used in existing buildings.

The uncomplicated installation and flexibility also speak for installation in cost-effective new buildings. Dimplex always offers the right solution, tailored to the spatial conditions.

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System C

The new compact and networked heat pump solution System C with refrigerant R290 is suitable for solutions in all areas where high performance is required. In addition to retail applications, multi-family homes, commercial properties, building networks and districts can also be operated with System C in a future-proof and highly efficient manner - in new buildings and existing ones.
The system series offers heating, cooling and hot water preparation solutions for standardized and individual requirements. The heat pumps are equipped with the natural and future-proof refrigerant R290.
The offer is supplemented with well thought-out service offerings, intelligent control, variable cascading and the associated planning services as well as customer-specific hydraulics.
In addition, Dimplex offers a well-thought-out service offering, intelligent control and the option for automated system reports.

The system based on the plug-and-heat principle can now also cool!

System M Flex Cooling

Die Luft/Wasser-Wärmepumpe M Flex von Dimplex kann extrem schnell und einfach geplant und installiert werden. Denn viele Hydraulikkomponenten sind bereits integriert. In Kombination mit dem zentralen Lüftungsgerät M Flex Air und einem Warmwasserspeicher entsteht ein besonders flexibles Gesamtsystem.

2 geregelte Leistungsklassen – 2 Arten der Kühlung.

M Flex Cooling gibt es jeweils mit 6–9 kW oder 9-16 kW Heizleistung mit Invertertechnologie.

Find the right heat pump in just a few steps

Heat Pump Configurator

Fast, easy and secure. The Dimplex heat pump planner supports the planning and design of your heat pump system.

Professional tool for dimensioning heating heat pumps including hot water preparation.

Quick and easy system selection through guided entry of building data – whether on a PC, laptop or tablet.

Reliable estimation of heat and hot water requirements based on the most important building data.

Detailed calculation via bivalence point determination and much more.

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