Which heating and cooling emitters can I use with a heat pump?
There are a number of factors, however, which will ultimately impact the final specification. These include thermal requirements, such as whether the building needs heating only or heating and cooling, control requirements and design preferences, such as whether to have the emitter recessed or on view.

Specification of the most appropriate heat pump, combined with suitable emitters, will provide a solution which efficiently meets the building’s heating or heating and cooling demand whilst delivering an optimum indoor climate for occupants.
Emitter types suitable for heating only projects
Any hydronic emitter can be specified with a heat pump i.e. underfloor heating, radiators, fan convection radiators, thermal skirts, fan coils and trench heating - as long as they are designed to work with low temperature systems. Other considerations that might impact selection include level of controllability (whether the system needs be driven centrally or room by room), and aesthetics, which could be driven by the available wall or room space.
Emitter types suitable for heating and cooling designs
Where heating and cooling is required then the emitter choices are reduced to two and four pipe fan coil units, fan coil convectors and four pipe trench heating systems.
These are not restricted by the heat pump but rather by the products available which can deliver both functions. Underfloor heating is generally a heating only option within the UK market, as cooling has the potential to cause a build-up of condensation over time.
Heat pumps can be designed to ensure a temperate indoor environment and when partnered with the right emitters can offer increased efficiencies and cost savings.
For more information on the range of commercial heat pumps and fan coil technology GDHV offer, or to discuss your next project in greater detail contact our team of experts who can further assist you.
Otherwise to arrange one of our CIBSE accredited CPDs which offer advice on heat pump and fan coil design and specification, contact our in-house team to be put in contact with your regional expert.