Winter Warmth Made Simple: Dimplex's Essential Guide to Heating

When it comes to staying warm this winter, there’s a range of small general maintenance tasks that can make small improvements to staying warm. When added together a little can begin to go a long way so don’t forget these often-overlooked steps:
1. Review your energy tariff and provider
Energy is essential to keep a modern home running, but it can also be one of the best places to look to see if you can cut your household costs. It’s always worth spending some time to review your current energy provider’s tariff to see if you might be able to get a better deal by changing. Already have Dimplex Quantum heaters? You might be eligible for the British Gas Dimplex Quantum tariff.
2. Maintain and service the heating equipment in your home
Ensuring that your heating and hot water systems are in good working order is extremely important. Whether you’re looking at individual heaters or a house wide system, being proactive with your servicing helps decrease your need for emergency maintenance in colder periods where demands are higher.
3. Consider your thermostat
Thermostats measure the temperature of the room in which they are installed, using this as a measure for the entire house. Many factors can influence a home’s heating requirements on a room by room basis. It is worth reviewing the location of your existing thermostat in preparation for the colder weather, and potentially moving it or even swapping to a remote thermostat for increased accuracy when measuring the heating of your home.

4. Review your heating program
Consider whether living habits and patterns have changed like working remotely or clothes now being dried indoors. The duration of heating times is likely to increase in the home during winter, check that the heating and hot water program is giving you what you need, when you need it.
5. Fix any draughts to improve efficiency
However efficient your heating, a draught can let cold air in and warm air out, resulting in wasted energy and more expense for you. So take some time to check your windows and doors for draughts and renew your rubber or brush excluders. You may find this is a small task you can do yourself, but if the job is a bigger one you can contact a professional to carry out the work for you.
6. Review Home Insurance
As weather patterns seem to be growing more extreme, autumn and winter risks like flooding and frost damage to water pipes become a real possibility. It is worth taking some time to review your existing home insurance policy to make sure you have protection against possible problems.

How can Dimplex help?
If your home is already using Dimplex’s range of space heaters and water heating solutions, we have a range of services to aid you in getting the most out of your home heating system and staying warm this winter.
Check your heaters are set up correctly
To make sure you are getting the most out of your home heating, it’s best to first make sure that your heaters are set up correctly. Dimplex heaters should come with an accompanying instruction manual guide however if you’ve misplaced it, you can find a digital copy from our website.
Upgrade your heaters where possible
Another way to ensure your home is prepared for winter is to make sure your home heating system is up to date with the latest energy efficiency standards. More efficient space heaters in the home can heat your home faster than an outdated system as well as help decrease your home’s energy consumption and lower your heating bills at colder times of the year.
Dimplex heaters have all been created with Lot 20 and other energy efficiency standards in mind, with every installed heating offering meeting the requirements for approval. Upgrading your heating system to a Quantum High Heat Retention (HHR) Storage heater could help you further save on costs as it stores heat during off peak periods where the cost for energy is lower. During the colder times of the year, there is always the dread that a storage heater may run out of heat in a time of need. With Quantum, home owners can rest assured. It’s high heat retention technology comes from higher quality storage cells and insulation, meaning it can retain heat for far longer. Should home owners find themselves in need of more heat, Quantum’s boost function can provide this on demand.
When looking at upgrading your heating system, it is important to make sure that the heaters you buy for your home are correctly specified to your heating requirements. Dimplex’s in house Application Design team can help you calculate your home’s heat loss and space heating requirements and help you find the ideal heating solutions within your budget.

Increase your control with Smart Controls for your heaters
With winter weather becoming less predictable year on year, it makes sense to have a heating system that has greater flexibility when it comes to controlling and monitoring your home heating. Remote control through apps and smart devices not only offer homeowners the ability to control their heaters from anywhere, but also give greater visibility of room temperatures and can be used to even spot faults with your heater.
If you already have Dimplex heating and hot water products in your home, it possible they either have an integrated radio frequency module (RFM) or you’ll be able to purchase one to add to enable it to be controlled remotely. Compatible heaters can be connected by radio frequency to a Dimplex Hub and then controlled remotely through the Dimplex Control, giving home owners greater control and flexibility of their heating anytime, anywhere. With Dimplex you can create a whole home heating hub, giving you access and control over both your home heating and hot water with Dimplex Control and compatible heaters.
Keep mould and damp at bay
Another challenge that comes with colder weather is combating moisture. With most of us wanting to keep the heat in and the cold outside, we are less inclined to open windows for ventilation. Steam created from showers and cooking, combined with drying clothes indoors can create extra moisture in the home while we try to avoid heat loss.
Making sure your home is properly ventilated to help reduce moisture, mould and other complications whilst avoiding heat loss is very important during the winter period. Dimplex’s partner brand, Xpelair by Dimplex provide a range of ventilations solutions for the home refurbishment and retrofitting to help keep air circulated without compromising on heat retention.

If your damp and mould issues are found only in a specific room in the house, a dehumidifier can help reduce condensation build up in a room. Dimplex’s EverDri dehumidifier is a portable dehumidifier that can help control moisture levels and maintain good air quality in any room of the home. It’s build in precision controls mean you can simply switch it on and set the desired humidity level, which you can also monitor with it’s visible light indicators that display when the desired level of humidity is reached. It’s pre filter also catches dust particles for increased air quality.
It's important to take care of yourself in the winter months, whether that be eating well, keeping in touch with loved ones or just making sure you see what natural light you can. Keeping your home well insulated and correctly heated can help prevent classic winter bugs and improve your overall wellbeing. If you would like to find out how our products can help you keep warm and cosy winter, take a look at our wide selection of installed heating, portable heaters and dehumidifiers.