
Take control of your Dimplex solutions in the home and monitor multiple rooms to manage bespoke heating demands all from your smart device.

Take control of your Dimplex solutions in the home and monitor multiple rooms to manage bespoke heating demands all from your smart device.


With heating demands differing for each type of home and building, smart heating controls provide a solution help us be more mindful of our energy consumption and reduce excess heating any time, anywhere from our smart devices. 

Dimplex smart controls, paired with our range of electric heating solutions, can help us reduce our energy costs and live more environmentally friendly lives without compromising on our comfort. 


Dimplex Control

Control and monitor your heating and hot water with Dimplex Control. Group heaters into zones to easily control and track their energy usage. Any time. Anywhere.

Dimplex Control works with a range of our products

View the whole range


Keep your devices secure with lock/unlock controls to prevent unauthorised adjustments to temperature settings. Design personalised heating schedules tailored to your lifestyle, ensuring maximum comfort and energy savings. Need a sudden change? The manual override feature lets you quickly adapt to unexpected departures or early returns home.