lady blowing snow

Recommended products: Winter

on | 2 min read
We are now officially into the winter season. The temperatures have dropped so we are spending more and more time indoors, meaning we require products that will make our lives and homes more comfortable and comforting. Our top three products for this season ensure that you can escape the harsh winter weather and unwind in the warming haven that is your home.
lady blowing snow
Portable heaters

Portable heaters are ideal for taking the chill off your room, and Dimplex offer different styles for a variety of purposes. For smaller spaces, the M Series ceramic fan heater is perfect. It has an oscillating option for wider heat distribution and is controlled by a thermostat, ensuring no energy is wasted providing unnecessary heat. Portable radiators and convectors are best for larger rooms that require supplementary heating. The EvoRad ,controlled by a built-in thermostat, are easy to transport between rooms and has a fast warm up. The EvoRad radiator also has an intelligent eco heat setting, optimising energy use.

dimplex tusk under a desk

We are about to enter into our coldest months in the UK, so it is vital that you ensure your heating systems are working effectively and efficiently. If your storage heaters are outdated then consider switching to the Dimplex Quantum storage heating solution. A heating system using a mix of Quantum off-peak heaters and direct acting convectors (such as the Dimplex Q-Rad) can offer running cost savings of up to £418 per annum when compared to a manual static storage system, and up to £975 per annum when replacing an electric convector or radiator system on standard tariff. Now is the perfect time to enquire about switching to Quantum, ensuring you and your family a warm winter season.

Dimplex quantum storage heater in bedroom

Winter should be a season full of cosy nights in and quality time with loved ones. To ensure this is the case, it is vital that we do all we can to make our homes comfortable, cosy and warm.